Saturday, July 4, 2015

Real Diets For Real People

Real Diets For Real People

When it comes to real diets for real people, there are not too many that allow you to live happy. Every diet seems to want you to do without something. You are either are not allowed to eat sugar or fatty foods, or you cannot eat more than 1500 calories maximum each day. Other diet plans want you to exercise three to five times each week for up to an hour or more. For many people, this much exercise is not realistic. There is just not enough time in the day. It can be hard to find a diet that will work with you as an individual and still allow you to have some foods you enjoy.

The Soda Wars

The first thing that they say to get rid of is soda pop or cola. First the diet gurus complained it contained too many calories, now it is too much sugar. Either way, you are not supposed to have any when you are losing weight. Real diets do not tell you to never have sodas. Most will have you either cut down the amount or stop only for a short time. There is no reason why soda cannot be considered a beverage toward your daily hydration count. While the belief is that only water can be hydrating, all the drinks you have do contain water and do count. These water pushers are only doing so as water contains no calories. If you take into consideration the calories your soda intake has on your diet, there is no issue.

Junk Food Temptations

The hardest part of dieting and the number one reason for failure is giving up all junk foods. Junk foods are comforting. Not to mention, they just plain taste good. So many diet plans tell you never to eat sweets and foods that can make you fat. You are made to feel guilty each time you eat that cheesecake or have a bowl of ice cream. Real diets do not limit you like that. All food is good, in moderation. As long as you eat what you plan to use in a day calorie wise, you should not have to never eat chocolate again. Enjoying food is important, and your diet should not be some crazy type of torture.

Balance Is The Key

Real diets are out there. They will teach you how to balance what you eat with how much energy you burn each day. You can learn to enjoy eating in a healthy way. No longer do we have to be a prisoner to food. No more eating to feel better, or feeling guilty about indulging in a treat. All you have to do is eat enough to use every day. If you have an active life you can indulge in more. If you cannot be as active, then just cut out something else to fit the good stuff in now and then. A diet does not have to be torturous if you do it right. The key to it is balance.

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