Saturday, July 4, 2015

7 Ways to Jump Start Your Weight Loss

7 Ways to Jump Start Your Weight Loss

As a dietitian and weight coach I often get asked the question "How do I jump start my weight loss again?" There are several reasons why we may struggle to lose unwanted pounds. Here are some explanations for plateaus: As you lose weight you may lose precious calorie-burning muscle tissue along with some fat. That results in requiring fewer calories than before to maintain and/or lose weight. If you do the same work out all the time the body adapts and this becomes your norm. Some people take in too few calories and actually lower their metabolism making it more difficult to lose weight and get all the nutrients needed to stay healthy and energized. It may be that dreaded weight that shifts to our mid section as midlife approaches. This is partially due to hormonal changes, but you don't have to give in to Mother Nature.

Here are some things I do to jump start my metabolism and quickly drop a few pounds when I get stuck in a rut:

1) I start my morning out with a high protein, high fiber shake that is loaded with powerful nutrients and antioxidants.

Here's my basic recipe: Put in a blender: 1 cup frozen blueberries or strawberries, 1 cup low-fat, low-carb milk, 2 T ground flax seeds, 1 scoop whey protein powder, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 cup nonfat plain yogurt. Blend, pour and drink.
Makes 2-3 servings.

2) I divide my meals into 6 smaller meals a day. Eating actually raises your metabolism and helps you burn more calories throughout the day, plus you tend not to get over hungry.

3) Mid morning and mid afternoon I have 1/4 cup of unsalted nuts with a few dark choc chips or a half of whole wheat lite English muffin with I Tlb. all natural peanut butter. The nuts are high in healthy fat, fiber and satiety value.

4) I change my work-out routine. Instead of walking for a steady pace, every 5 minutes I will speed up for a minute or two, or stop and do 20 jumping jacks then continue my walk. This technique speeds up your metabolism and facilitates after-burn (burning more calories for a period of time after you stop exercising). If you walk or run all the time, change your routine by switching to biking or swimming or kickboxing...for one of your work-outs each week.

5) Lift weights or do other resistance exercises that add calorie burning muscles. If you already lift weights, change up your work-out. Do fewer reps with more weight or alternate in 20 minutes of cardio between circuits. Do a power circuit 2-3 times.

6) Write down everything you eat as you go through your day. This keeps you highly aware of what actually goes in your mouth. This is probably the single best tool for keeping you on track.

7) Cut out sugar, foods high in added sugar, white flour and other refined, highly processed carbohydrates.

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