Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Is Anorexia Nervosa Curable?

Is Anorexia Nervosa Curable?

Anorexia nervosa is an emotional and physical problem usually starting in the teenage years. Although it is not necessarily only teenager' s who succumb to this illness. It can become a lifelong problem if not treated at the earliest possible signs. Anorexia nervosa usually starts off as dieting and spirals out of control. leaving the anorexic with the belief they are far overweight or obese, in their eyes, when in actual fact they are vastly under weight and malnourished.

The Causes

There is no known actual cause of anorexia nervosa, it is thought that a divorce or the death of someone close could be a contributing factor but there is no conclusive argument for this to be the case. Even a family member with an eating disorder could be a contributing factor, no one knows for sure. Sport or some other activity that focuses on the body size and the overwhelming need to be perfect all the time.

The Signs

Characteristically not believing the fact that they are dangerously under weight, in fact seeing themselves as being drastically over weight. When in actual fact they are only skin and bone. Refusing to eat food for fear of weight gain. Keeping up with exercise work-outs even when they're seriously ill or injured. Another sign of anorexia is that of starvation including a feeling of tiredness. feeling faint and feeling cold. Taking laxatives and making themselves vomit too keep from any weight gain. Weighing food and counting calories. The shuffling of food around a plate are just some of the signs that something is wrong.

Anorexia Nervosa- What it does to the Body?

They can't think straight, with a fear of gaining weight also moodiness, sadness, memory lapses, irritable. Thinning hair, low blood pressure, slow heart rate, fluttering of the heart and even heart failure. Blood problems including anemia. Weak muscles, swollen joints, fractures and osteoporosis. Kidney stones and kidney failure. Constipation and bloating. Periods stop, problems growing, trouble getting pregnant. If pregnant, higher miscarriage risk, high risk of having a C-section with a baby with low birth weight and post partum depression. Skin bruising easily and brittle nails.


The depression and the anxiety can be treated but unfortunately there is no cure for anorexia nervosa only treatment. If not treated at the earliest signs anorexia nervosa can become a life long problem, leading to other health problems as mentioned earlier. Treatment would involve a doctor, dietitian and a therapist all working in unison to help the individual back to a proper state of health. If the person being treated is of a young age then counseling can involve the family. With group therapy seeking an underlying problem such as a sudden change in family life, like the death of someone close or even a divorce.

The question at the beginning of this article ask' s "Is Anorexia Nervosa Curable ?" The answer is No, it is treatable though and if treatment begins early enough the anorexic can be saved from a life time of other health problems.

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