If you were to mention the word Ketogenic to the average fitness enthusiast, they might think you were talking about one of the characters from the latest Star Trek movie. While the name is not familiar, what Ketogenic's does is and you just may want to try it for yourself.
Ketogenic's is a high fat diet that will encourage the body to burn fat stores in your body. Yes, you heard that right, a high fat diet that will actually burn your existing fat. Sounds like a pretty good deal, but before you run out to the local Krispy Kreme and start scarfing down crullers in the name of ketogenic's, let's get a little background info first.
The ketogenic diet was developed in the 1920's as a potential treatment for epilepsy. The diet replaces carbohydrates with fat, because carbohydrates break down into glucose, which can trigger seizures in epileptics, while fat breaks down into fatty acids and ketone bodies, which are then used to replace glucose in the brain for energy. The diet lost its popularity with the advent of anticonvulsant drugs of the day. It jumped back onto the scene in the 1990's when the son of Jim Abrahams, a Hollywood producer, found relief for his epilepsy through this innovative diet approach. Now, more and more individuals are choosing ketogenic diets for their own weight loss goals.
Everyone is looking for a way to turn back the clock. To get that figure they had when they were in high school. Who would have thought the answer lie in high fat foods? It sees, however, that just may be the case. You see once the body begins to use fat as a source for energy rather than carbohydrates, your body has entered into the state of ketosis. In this state, you actually feel less hungry. The body using the fat as energy combined with your reduced appetite can result in quick and significant weight loss in the dieter. So, we are talking about replacing carbohydrates with fat, but what foods exactly will qualify for this type of enhanced food regimen?
The list of fatty foods is long and includes bacon, butter, mayonnaise, hot dogs, cream, nuts and more. While eating the fatty foods, you are trying to stay away from any of the carb loaded foods. The include almost anything made with sugar; cake, pie, cookies, candy and white flour foods as well including pasta and white bread. The diet sounds simple enough, but remember, this diet was developed by doctors to use as a treatment for patients with epilepsy. It was generally monitored by a doctor and it is recommended you heed similar advice. In our quest for a better body and fat loss, many of us will try anything. A ketogenic diet may well help you achieve your goals, but it can be risky as well. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and other medical conditions can occur while on a diet such as this. Combining the diet with a rigorous and consistent exercise routine will certainly help to limit the existence and severity of such conditions, but not avoid them completely. Be careful, do your research, and seek your doctor's advice whenever you are starting a modified diet or exercise plan.
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