You are probably aware that our intestines act to break food, absorb nutrients and eliminate waste. What is less known is that the bowel does not hold the liquid and electrolyte balance and lymphatic drainage. This means that when the intestine is filthy partially blocked, the toxins begin to circulate in the body.
"What we are is a sum of the parts that are made. If these parts are clean, pure, colorful and lively, so are you."
Consider the following facts:
1. GLUTEN - a mixture of flour and water was used as wallpaper glue for many years before modern paste was available. The binding and thickening of wheat gluten and other (Cola) containing the grains is widely known within the food industry. Scientific studies show that the protein gluten sticks and debris adhered to the intestinal wall and causes celiac disease.
2. RED MEAT - Human beings struggle to digest red meat because our digestive systems are ten times more alkaline than carnivores, which incidentally only eat raw meat. Up to 5 pounds can digest red meat rot in our intestines, weakening our immune system and toxins in the body of food.
3. PARASITES - No more than 100 different types of parasites and worms that live in our bodies. Some are microscopic size, while others can be seen with the naked eye. These organisms are prolific in our environment, the air we breathe, the water we drink and foods we eat.
4. DEAD FOOD - processed food and refined products are virtually dead enzymes and nutrients. They do not give those living and life giving properties that natural foods should be real., Colors, flavors and artificial sweeteners found in processed, artificial, dead foods all contribute to your toxic load.
5. OTHER TOXINS - Pharmaceuticals, alcohol, snuff, coffee, sugar, chemicals, environmental, emotional and mental stress, overwork and fatigue all compounds to create a toxic effect on your system. A proper detox address all these areas and help restore access to your complete energy supply. Toxicity happens to almost everybody sooner or later.
The meat is not easily digestible and refined grains leave a sticky sticky residue in the intestinal wall. Therefore, the plaque builds up gradually, as it does on our teeth with the modern diet. With continuous sugar, alcohol, coffee, fries, meats and cheeses, their bodies lose bowel control. Vermin often grip and your immune system is overloaded. Finally, over the years, accumulating a toxic putrid mass intestines, especially in cross-sectional areas of small and sigmoid settlers.
Whole grains, raw and living in special combinations of herbs to work improve digestive secretions, such as bile and enzymes, increase intestinal transit time, and speed up your metabolism. The liver and kidneys are supported and encouraged their duties. The result for many people making their first proper DETOX can be staggering. Sometimes I've seen between 20 and 30 pounds of withholding removed for only 10 days into my detox program.
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