The headlines of the boxes of weight loss pills that line the shelves at pharmacies and that can be bought online promise the most amazing things. Some claim that you can lose an incredible amount of weight, such as 15 kilos in one month,without dieting or exercise! So my question is; what do these pills actually do to your body?
The main claim of many diet pills is that they stop the body from absorbing the fat in the foods you eat, but this actually means that they stop the absorption of the vitamins and nutrients as well. So effectively your body is not getting what it needs from the food you eat.
Some diet pills have appetite suppressants in them, these chemicals interfere with your sympathetic nervous system, which increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure. This will increase your risk of having a heart attack and also cause cardiac arrest. On a less intense scale, but rather uncomfortably, they can cause constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth and insomnia as your sleeping patterns will be disrupted.
Even herbal pills, while they sound so much more body-friendly, can be just as dangerous. Just because they are natural products does not mean they are safe. Some of the most toxic and harmful substances to the human body are natural plants! Another thing to note is that because these herbal pills contain no man-made chemicals, they are considered a food rather than a medicine and are therefore regulated by the FDA rather than medically - this keeps them from being scrutinized and regulated in the same way medicines would be.
There is no guarantee that these pills will be able to live up to their colourful claims. If you are trying to lose weight and hoping that there is a magic pill out there to assist you with this you are in for a long battle trying various magic drugs and in the end you will be left with your goal unreached, a lot of money spent and the realization that the only way to really lose weight and keep your health is to exercise and eat right.
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