Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fasting to Lose Weight?

Fasting to Lose Weight?

Fasting is not the most practical or safest way to loose weight.  Let us take a look at some of the pros and cons of fasting to loose weight. There are a variety of ways to loose weight by fasting. Some fasting diets involve drinking nothing but water to detoxify the body. Others involve eating only raw foods or foods without sugar for a period of one or more days.  Still others only require you to cut calories without eliminating food

Is Fasting Safe?

For most people fasting for a short period of time can be safe to do. But if you are thinking about fasting long periods of time (more than five days) can be harmful. The reason for this is that your body needs certain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food to stay healthy. The absence of these nutrients for a long period of time can cause fatigue, dehydration, dizziness and possible death.  It is highly recommended to consult with a registered dietitian, to help you design a healthy diet plan.

Can I Lose Weight By Fasting?

Fasting causes your body to burn energy which will cause you to loose weight. The problem is that this is often short term weight lost. Your body will adjust to the lack of food by decreasing your metabolism to conserve energy. When this process takes place your body will begin to store more energy and you will begin to gain weight again.

Another reason that fasting works in the beginnings is, your body will automatically reduce your appetite.  But once you stop fasting a healthy appetite returns and you will often find yourself eating more than you did before you started the fast.

If you are determine that fasting is the way to go, here is the best approach to take. To get the most out of fasting it is recommended that you alternate the days to improve overall weight lost.

For more information on weight loss visit: Total Fit Zone [].

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