Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Mucus & Blood on Your Stool? Don't Ignore It!

Mucus & Blood on Your Stool? Don't Ignore It!

For some reason, we in the West seem to be acutely embarrassed when it comes to discussing our bowel movements. Other countries find it completely acceptable and in fact encourage such discussion. It acts as an early warning system alerting us to potential problems with our digestive system.

Every day, you should examine your stool. Don't worry, all you have to do is have a quick look. You don't need to start examining things in minute detail. You should be keeping an eye out for mucus. Mucus in your stool can be a sign of digestive issues but it can also mean you have performed a successful colon cleanse.

It's important to be able to recognise mucus in your stool and the only way you can do that is to keep an eye on your movements and take note if anything looks different one day. Yes, this does mean having a quick look in the toilet after you have passed your number twos!

It's not an entirely black and white issue because foods to which you are allergic can cause extra mucus along with dairy products and unhealthy food in general. These days it's not uncommon for us to find our digestive system producing excess mucus because many of us do not eat a healthy diet.

So how do you identify mucus in your stool? Thankfully it is a fairly obvious observation. It has a light jellylike consistency and it will be yellow, white or clear in color. You may find the mucus appears as small particles in the stool which some people mistakenly identify as worms. In more severe cases this mucus may cover the stool completely.

If you do find mucus in your stool don't panic. It doesn't necessarily mean you have a problem. Mucus is produced due to the natural function of your large intestine in order to help move the waste through your colon and to trap tiny foreign bodies. Having said that it is not uncommon to find increased amounts of mucus in the stool when you do have problems because your digestive system produces it as a protective measure.

You shouldn't be too concerned about the occasional appearance of mucus in your stool but if you're noticing it every day, consistently for a week or two then you may have a problem. If you find it is accompanied by any bleeding or something doesn't smell right then you should seek medical attention immediately.

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