Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lose 5 Pounds of Fat This Week - Top Effective Fat Loss Strategies

Lose 5 Pounds of Fat This Week - Top Effective Fat Loss Strategies

Are you ready fast changes in your life that all your friends will envy? Are you ready to take your picture today (the "before" picture) and take one a week from now and show everyone your before - after pictures? Will you do anything to achieve the sexy body you always wanted in little to no time?

I hope the answer to all this questions is "yes" as you can now really flush pounds of fat faster than never with the new diet programs and special fitness programs available. It will not happen if you are not ready to commit to losing weight this week, but the good news that it will happen and it will happen fast if you are able to say: "I will do anything to lose weight this week". It is so important that you commit to this task, that you should write it down couple of times.

First thing you need to do is to eat a very healthy, very consistent breakfast. You need to start your day right (that's what mothers use to say). You can eat as much as you can in the morning. Reason for that is you will feel full most of the day and you will consume energy all day long. If you were to consume a consistent meal in the evening, as you do not do much activity at night, you will just accumulate loads of fat (as fat stands for stored energy)

You can't lose weight fast if you don't do physical exercises. It will just not happen. You need to make an extra effort to consume the energy that is deposited as fat. I like to run on treadmills, but you can use your own custom cardio exercise. If you have a sport that you enjoy doing, than spend 30-40 minutes each day playing it.

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