Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Healthy Weekly Diet Plan - Healthy Foods to Eat Everyday

Healthy Weekly Diet Plan - Healthy Foods to Eat Everyday

It can sometimes be hard to strictly follow a healthy weekly diet plan with today's busy lifestyles. Many people say that they are just too busy to eat healthy all the time and junk food is just so freely available. If everyone's diet was right everyone would only eat foods that contained their RDA of vitamins and minerals.

The correct daily caloric intake for a woman is 2000 kcals and 2500 kcals for a man. This amount of calories should consist of the essentials vitamins and minerals and should be free of all types of fast food and unhealthy fats. Some of the population take vitamins as a supplement but this should not be needed if your diet is in check. In this article I am going to give you a list of foods that should be included in your healthy weekly diet plan.

Healthy Weekly Diet Plan

The outcast of the nut world some might say but whatever your opinion on almonds they are possibly one of the healthiest foods available. Make sure to eat them with the skin left on and you will add more fibre to your diet. They are also packed full of healthy fats and protein.

Phyllium Husks
Physllium husks are probably the best way t get your fibre intake increased in a healthy fashion. The have also been proven to lower the LDL (bad) cholesterol level in your body. These are a perfect choice to add to your diet.

Green Tea
Drinking 1-3 cups of unsweetened green tea daily has many positive effects for the body including lowering LDL cholesterol levels.

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