If you want to know how to get rid of fleas in cats naturally, without the use of toxic chemicals, then it's best to start by looking for the cause. Toxic chemical pesticides all contain nerve damaging agents, so along with the killing off of the fleas, they are killing off your cat, too.
How much better it is to understand why your cat has fleas, then address this. Dealing with the cause is so much more effective, more satisfying and more cost effective than simply dealing with the effect.
Fleas can only live in a flea-friendly environment. Although you would expect a furry animal to be just such a place, actually they aren't. Granted, there may always be the odd flea, but a healthy animal will never naturally have a flea problem.
So why do domesticate cats suffer so much with them?
A flea-friendly environment has a different pH level from that of the skin of a healthy cat. A healthy cat, eating the diet they evolved on, quality raw meat and bones, will have a healthy skin, which is not flea-friendly.
In contract, the typical diet of most domestic cats is processed food. For the most part, processed food contains low quality protein, cheap filler and synthetic chemicals in order to make it edible, palatable, attractive to us, smell acceptable and so forth.
When someone has too high a toxic load, the skin is the first place the body attempts to rid itself of the burden. Constantly ingesting low quality food and synthetic chemicals increases this load enormously.
Insects and bacteria are some of the most useful scavengers to clear up the toxic mess humans are so expert at creating. This means the fleas are doing a great job, even while irritating both you and your cat.
Stop creating the problem, by feeding a quality raw meat and bones diet, and the effect will disappear without further help.
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