Sunday, May 17, 2015

Starvation Diet - Does It Work and Is It Healthy? Yes, If You Do 1 Thing Correctly

Starvation Diet - Does It Work and Is It Healthy? Yes, If You Do 1 Thing Correctly

You already know that a starvation diet is unhealthy for you, right? Uh, well maybe... but you are quite possibly wrong.

I'll agree with you that starvation diets in general are really bad and unhealthy for people... for weight loss, for health, for everything. However, there is a way to make this type of diet work for you without risking your health.

First off, I bet you're already on a "sort of" starvation diet right now.


Well, let's look at the average person and how they eat. They go to bed, but they don't eat for 2 hours before bed. They sleep about 7.5 hours. They wake up and then skip breakfast or eat very little. Finally they get to lunch and maybe eat a sandwich.

So from 2 hours before bedtime until the next day's lunch, that's well over 12 hours where your body is starving for nutrients. So I'm kinda sure that you are on a kind of starvation diet without knowing it. Sure, maybe you get all your calories in each day, but for over half the day you're body is starving for real food.

Anyway, to my point.

Starvation can work and here's the reason why. We eat so much and cram ourselves so full of food, our digestive system is always playing catch up. It's blocked up. Clogged up. It's like rush hour traffic in there since most Americans eat maybe 2 big meals each day.

Your digestive system needs a break from that. That's where a "mini-starvation diet" comes in to help relieve and refresh the digestive system so it can do it's job effectively.

How do you do this? Simple...

Eat 1 huge meal. Gorge yourself. Eat whatever the heck you want. I suggest to limit your 1 meal to dinner. Whatever you want, you got it.

Now, for the rest of the day, you're going to be limited to eating fruits for energy. Eat apples, blueberries, bananas, etc. These are easy on the digestive system. What happens is this.

Your body will just have about 4 hours of hard work digesting that big meal. After that, the other 20 hours are like a detox for the digestive system. No more traffic jams. With all this free time, your digestive system stops being overworked and regains the "competitive edge" digesting foods.

That is how you can do a starvation diet and still remain healthy. If you thought not eating anything constitutes a starvation diet, you're wrong. You're allowed to eat.

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