Tuesday, November 3, 2015

With the Correct Information - Owning a Leopard Gecko is Easy!

With the Correct Information - Owning a Leopard Gecko is Easy!

The leopard gecko isn't just any lizard. These are incredible animals which are good pets and have some unique qualities which make them different than other reptiles. To learn a little more about what makes these geckos so special, have a look at these fun gecko facts.

A gecko can grow to be as long as 25.4 cm.

Unlike other kinds of gecko, leopard geckos have eyelids. They close their eyes while sleeping and can even blink!

Leopard geckos are named for their coloring. They usually have yellow or orange skin with black spots, giving them a leopard-like appearance.

The geckos have a gentle nature which makes them much better pets than most reptiles. They very rarely bite, even if they are provoked and are safe to handle and play with.

A gecko is a very long lived animal - they can live as long as 30 years (though closer to 20 is more common).

Leopard geckos have claws instead of toe pads, so they can't climb vertical surfaces like many other types of gecko can.

A gecko will shake its tail while hunting or defending its territory from other animals.

The tail of the gecko is used to store fat and can be detached if they need to escape from a predator. Their lost tail will be replaced by a new one.

Geckos bark when they are excited.

In the wild, a gecko's diet consists of spiders, scorpions and other insects and even smaller lizards!

Geckos are immune to the poison in a scorpion's stinger, making them able to hunt these dangerous insects.

Just like most other kinds of gecko, leopard geckos are nocturnal and will sleep through the day if they can. They are active at night, usually getting up around dusk.

If you have a pet gecko, you should feed it only insects. Make sure that the pet shops in your area carry the insects that your pet needs to stay healthy; if you can't find the food that your gecko needs, it's probably not a good idea to keep one as a pet.

Geckos love to eat wax worms. These worms have a fat content which is much too high to make them a regular part of their diet, but it's OK to give your pet a weekly treat; and this is their favorite.

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