Thursday, November 5, 2015

Why Crash Diets Won't Work Before the Wedding

Why Crash Diets Won't Work Before the Wedding

You are tip toeing a fine line if you are even considering about going on a crash diet before your wedding day. They don't work! Why? Because you are putting your body in a tremendous amount of torture. You are losing nutrients, not getting enough calories and your metabolism will go in reverse. I'll give you this, you will see an initial weight loss depending on your size and the amount of weight you are losing, but what kind of weight are you losing? Muscle weighs more than fat and muscle burns more calories than fat. So if you are losing muscle and fat on your "crash diet" you are defeating the purpose of what you are trying to accomplish. This is part of the reason why crash diets won't before the wedding!

Your body in its first week will go through and initial "shock" phase because it is used to getting a certain amount of calories from you. You severely deplete this amount out of your diet, the body will lose weight. Again, what kind of weight is key here. Now your body is thinking it's going into a starvation mode and now it's going to want to keep and store any amount of calories it can get its hands on. The result will be that your metabolism will start slowing down. I call this the "hibernation effect". You've seen it on the Biggest Loser shows how contestants lose a lot of weight in the first week and not even get half of the amount in the second week. But the difference is that they are eating right and a "crash diet" doesn't incorporate that.

This is the torture you will put you body through:

1) You lack the nutrients your body needs to function.

2) The reduction of calories will cause the body to look for alternate sources of energy from stored fat AND muscle!

3) Your metabolism will be shot and will work in reverse once you start eating (whenever that will be).

4) Your adrenal glands won't function properly.

5) Your kidneys will be shot because you don't have enough carbohydrates in your diet.

6) Your reaction times will be slower

7) You brain and memory functions will be slowed and hampered.

8) You will eventually have to "re-teach" the body to eat again because it will not know how to properly process food. Do research about the concentration camps during World War II. This was the same situation they had to face but this was over months and months of time. The photos you will see are very disturbing.

9) Your face and hair will dry up and split

10) Acne will form in areas you never had before.

This is just a small list of the damaging affects it can happen to you. It's not worth it to you or your family. YOU deserve better and I will lead you to where to go!

If you need to lose weight quickly before the wedding, I recommend that you take a look at:

It is a product review site on the best guides out there for people serious about losing weight, even 2 weeks before your wedding. These guides are also tools that you can incorporate into your life afterwards. Talks about the price, money back guarantees and all the freebies you will get. The #1 product guide on my list are diets geared towards future brides!

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