Friday, November 6, 2015

Going Vegetarian - The Arguments & Militant Vegetarians

Going Vegetarian - The Arguments & Militant Vegetarians

A couple days ago, I made a posting online about vegetarianism. Normally, I don't care what people eat one way or the other, but when I saw this message on a car next to mine in the parking lot, it really irked me. Why? Because of what it said:

Choose Compassion, try vegetarian...

That really ticked me off. I've run into many vegetarians over the years, I don't have anything against them, but what I didn't like was the way some vegetarians like to stake out the moral high ground. The implication of this message was (in my opinion), is that if you're not a vegetarian, then there's something wrong with you, you're not compassionate (and something lower than a snake's belly).

I think that's bull. I'm not impressed when vegetarians, or anyone, tries to make out that their belief system is better than that of someone else. That is opinion, period. And regardless of that opinion, it can be argued into infinity that their position is right.


I've run into a similar issue with spiritual practitioners, many of whom are vegetarian. Again, I have no issues with what they do but it really annoys me when a vegetarian (because of their belief system), states that because of their practice, they are somehow closer to God and more special than those of us who aren't. What arrogance. How do these people know this? What makes their opinion more valuable than mine? How can they say that because they're vegetarian they're more compassionate?

As you can see, even stating this in an article of this type opens up a big can of worms and creates an opportunity for a long, drawn-out argument, some of it being about how people are bad for eating meat, and the cruelty to animals, etc., but that's not my point. Another interesting thing I've seen is how some of these people now become really kind to animals but start hating other human beings, many of whom they don't know.

Another disturbing thing is how people flame each other online. Wow. Pretty unlikely that these people would yell at each other on the street for how they live, so how come it's OK online?

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