Sunday, November 15, 2015

Foods For Diabetics - They Are Vastly Improving

Foods For Diabetics - They Are Vastly Improving

When it comes to diabetic foods, things are definitely changing and for the better. When diagnosed these days as a diabetic, it does not in any way mean that you have to cut out sugar completely, begin to use artificial sweeteners or even head straight for the specialty food shelves in the supermarket. However, it is a well known fact that weight loss is usually suggested and it is more likely than not that you will have to make some changes to your eating habits and general lifestyle to manage your diabetes.

Nowadays it is all down to your daily nutritional needs and the food pyramid for diabetics actually allows sweets and alcohol, in moderation of course! The bottom level of the pyramid consists of grains and starches, and mostly carbohydrates. You will be allowed to eat between six and eleven servings from this food group. The next section includes fruit and vegetables which provide natural sugar, vitamins, minerals and fiber and your can select between five and nine servings in any combination from these groups. The use of fruit and vegetables allows a great deal of variation within your treatment plan.

There are better choices to be made for most people at the next level. Milk products provide protein, vitamins and minerals, for example, calcium, but as an alternative to selecting whole milk products, a switch to fat free or low fat will help you to cut down on saturated fats.

When you are choosing which meat or meat substitutes to eat it is important to be aware of the fact that your body only needs four to six ounces each day. Lean cuts of meat, and turkey or chicken minus the skin along with fresh and tinned fish should be part of your daily diet. Peanut butter or tofu are also great for diabetics too.

The last level of diabetic foods is fats, oils and sweets. There are no recommended amounts for these as you would expect but they are allowed as long as taken in small portions.
You can eat these without feeling guilty by exchanging bread for cookies or rice for a muffin.

Diabetic foods are no longer considered to be a punishment and they are certainly not bland and boring. In short, diabetic foods are whatever food the diabetic chooses to eat as long as that choice is made responsibly and adheres to the treatment plan devised between the patient and the dietitian or health care specialist.

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