Monday, November 2, 2015

5 Steps to Freaky Arms

5 Steps to Freaky Arms

Everyone wants huge arms, it's one of the most visible muscle groups. When someone wants to see your muscles what is the first thing you do? Flex your bicep of course. I am going to share with you 5 steps if applied correctly will give you freaky arms that will catch anyone's eye.

1. Work them out hard, but only briefly:
To stimulate muscle growth you must lift heavier or use more reps then you're used to. Since both the biceps and triceps or fast twitch muscles they respond best to this method of training. Explosive as both the biceps and triceps are they also tire very quickly. So over exerting they can cause you to start training them which would hurt their growth.

2. Mix up your workout:
Doing the same exercise with the same weight is not pushing your muscles out of their comfort zone so you experience little to no growth. You want to keep your muscles guessing so switch it up. Even if it's by just switching from free weights to cables it challenges the muscle to do something different. Even switching up the order of your exercises will yield results. Another great way to mix it up is the use of supersets. Just be careful not to over train and that's one of the biggest keys.

3. Target specific parts of each muscle:
As the name implies, biceps and triceps consist of two and three distinctly different sections, respectively. In order to maximize development, you should make an active effort to target each part in every workout. Find exercises for each muscle region and try to isolate them.

4. Get plenty of rest:
This again ties into the overtraining aspect. The body needs adequate rest to rebuild itself and then some to grow. The easiest way to do this is to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Even taking power naps in the middle of the day can yield great results. Not only does adequate sleep allow us to stay sharp mentally for our workouts it also triggers natural growth hormones to be released when we are asleep. It just makes too much sense to allow our body to heal itself and to overcompensate which is when the muscles grow.

5. Eat Plenty:
The formula for growth is the opposite of losing weight. Consume more calories than you burn. If you eat only enough to break even where is the extra bodyweight going to come from? This doesn't mean to go to the extreme and consume a ton of extra calories, what it does means is in order to grow you must consume a little more then you burn. This will probably be one of the hardest things for you to do since it's a fine line. If you need help consult a dietitian or certified personal trainer and they can help you with a meal plan.

So in conclusion, to get those freaky arms you want follow these 5 steps and you will soon have to go buy some new shirts. Just remember it does take a lot of hard work and dedication to build muscle. There is no magic pill for you to take that will magically transform your body like you see in all those commercials. Just work hard and stay focused and you will see results.

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