Are you in search for a weight loss meal plan to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks? If you are really interested in losing weight quickly without compromising your health. This diet plan is compiled to speed up your metabolism and it must be followed exactly. It is very important to remember to drink lots of water, if possible water that is isotonic, meaning that it has added minerals that make it chemically look like your body fluids...
Here is The Menu For Lose Weight Diets Plan
1. Lose Weight Meal Plan For Your Breakfast: For your breakfast consume an omelet made of two eggs, herbs and low-fat cheese, 2 slices of Canadian bacon, and a cup of herbal tea that is not sweet. This weight loss menu can be changed in any way that comprises beverage that is not sweet, vegetable and protein. Given that there are no limits to the amount of these types of food you can eat (within reason); you can eat to the extent that you feel you don't need more.
2. Weight Loss Meal Plan For Your Mid-Morning Snack: Cut into pieces one red bell pepper, and dip the slices into a vegetable dip or low-carbohydrate bean. You need to consume 6 roasted almonds, and drink a herbal tea or glass of V-8 juice. You should also try to eat at least one vegetable source and one protein at each of your 2 snack times.
3. Diet Plan For Your Lunch: You have to grill a chicken breast in an olive oil and rosemary. Use it to make a tossed salad with tomatoes, one-half a boiled egg, cucumbers, fresh romaine lettuce, sliced bell peppers, olive oil, four crumbled walnuts and the juice of one-half squeezed lemon. After that then sprinkle fresh herbs and two ounces of low-fat goat cheese over the salad for an additional flavor. Your lunch need to contain a protein, an unsweetened beverage and vegetable. You can as well change your weight loss menu within reason, but ensure that you are adding these types of foods in your every day lunch to loss weight.
4. Afternoon Snack For Your Weight Loss: You need to consume 5 almonds or 14 roasted sunflower seeds for afternoon snack. Squeeze a piece of celery with 2 tablespoons of homemade tuna fish salad. Drink an 8-ounce glass of water. As with your mid-morning snack, endeavor to add no less than one source of vegetable source and one protein source.
5. Your Dinner Weight Loss Meal Plan to Loss About 20 Pounds in 2 Weeks: For your dinner then eat a small salad mixed with grilled pork chop with black pepper, salt and olive oil or mixed with greens in olive oil. You should have two servings of vegetables, including one serving of legumes and one serving of fresh broccoli, peas, spinach, or mustard greens. Drink unsweetened herbal tea or water with dinner, and add a dessert of up to 75 calories-mints, a piece of chocolate, hard candies, or diet pudding. If you like you can add no less than one serving of protein, several servings of vegetables and a small amount of dairy to your dinners.
This may sound like a lot of steps, but I assure you its super easy. With a few guidelines you can make good menu to loss weight. So, as you are searching for help to lose weight, you should also find ways to incorporate active movement into your every day life. With this you will be able to train your body to burn calories more efficiently at the end of the day.
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