Sunday, August 30, 2015

Retired Overweight Athletes Suffering From Health Problems

Retired Overweight Athletes Suffering From Health Problems

When performance sports are over, overweight athletes are more likely to develop asthma, musculoskeletal trauma, heat illness, osteoarthritis, or cardiovascular problems, according to a study presented to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

The optimal treatment for excess weight in the case of overweight athletes is a combination of behavioral therapy, nutrition, and fitness. The specialist team that handles the problems of overweight players include the coach, a team physician, a parent for young athletes, a certified trainer, a cardiologist, a dietitian, or a strength and conditioning coach.

The factors that may increase the risk for certain diseases in case of athletes who don`t have a healthy weight include medical history of diseases such as sleep apnea, hypertension, high levels of cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, or orthopedic problems.

Heat illness history, the lack of acclimatization, and the use of performance-enhancing supplements are also factors that may lead to health problems for athletes with weight problems.

Caffeinated beverages may have side effects such as hypertension, arrhythmias, and palpitations and cause heath problems for athletes. The use of creatine, steroids, or steroids precursors that may lead to gaining muscle mass may also represent a risk factor for the health of athletes. The lack of acclimatization, the history of heat illness, or the possessions of performance-enhancing supplements are also factors that increase the athletes` risk to have health problems when they retire.

The prevention methods used to prevent asthma and heat issues are numerous and may apply to all athletes.

(c) Project Weight Loss 2007. All rights reserved.

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