Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Green Anole Lizards: The Perfect Small Space Pet

Green Anole Lizards: The Perfect Small Space Pet

Anole Lizards: An Introduction

Anole lizards are native to the southeastern United States and parts of the Caribbean. Their official species name is "anolis carolinensis", which translated means a lizard from the Carolina region. They can often be seen scampering around shrubbery and landscaping in areas of Florida, Georgia, Texas, and as far west as Arizona.

Anoles are peaceful harmless little creatures who actually provide a great service... they eat pesky insects! Flies, small moths, and mosquitoes are a big part of their diet in the wild. Normally, they grow to about five to seven inches long and have a lifespan of anywhere from three to five years when not bred in captivity.

Green Anoles As Pets

In the past few decades, anole lizards have become known as ideal entry level pets. Not only are they relatively easy to care for, but they are fascinating to observe.

When bred in captivity, anoles tend to have a slightly longer life span, all things being equal. You can bring one home from most pet centers for less than ten dollars. Since they don't make noise or demand any special attention, they are ideal small space pets. Similarly, they are excellent pets for those who are less mobile. As an added plus, their distinct little personalities will delight anyone from young to old.

What You'll Need

For one or two of these fascinating small reptiles, all you'll need is a 20 gallon terrarium with a secure vented lid. Normally we recommend a slightly larger home, but a 20 gallon terrarium is fine.

You'll want to decorate the terrarium with rocks and climbing branches, both of which are readily available at a pet center or online reptile supply outlet. Your new pet will appreciate the opportunity to climb, bask, and explore all of these reptile creature comforts.

Anoles thrive in temperatures from 75 to 90 degrees, so a small basking lamp for one side of the terrarium is ideal. Humidity is another key... a gentle mist of tepid water each day will help your pet thrive.

Feeding Your Green Anole Lizard

These small reptiles like a varied diet of mealworms, wax worms, wingless fruit flies, common house flies, and other small flying insects. They stalk and eat their prey live (fascinating to watch!) and should be fed roughly every day or so. Most of the food they enjoy can be purchased inexpensively at your local pet center or via online sources.

Enjoying Your Pet

It will take a few weeks for your anole to become acclimated to both you and their new home. Be patient, and eventually your pet will begin to recognize your voice and respond to you. Over time, you'll find they will happily crawl onto your fingers and hands and bask in their warmth. By nature, they are docile yet playful little creatures who will delight you with their antics as they explore their terrarium.


Green anole lizards are an ideal pet for anyone from youngsters to senior citizens. They are inexpensive to acquire and care for, fascinating to observe, and a joy to own!

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