While much has been written concerning pregnancy diets, I have witnessed quite a few health conscience women go through the process of pregnancy while maintaining surprisingly good form. I have seen that they all had these few do's and don'ts in common.
Eat From a Variety of Foods
Eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need. Pregnancy diets should include fruits and vegetables along with high quality low fat cuts of meat, poultry and *fish as their staple. Whole grain breads, cereals and pastas should be eaten a bit more sparingly.
Take a Daily Supplement
Make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. You should take a good prenatal vitamin supplement to ensure you are consistently getting enough vitamins and minerals every day. Vitamin C, Folic acid, Iron, and Calcium are nutrients which pregnancy requires in abundance. This should be a consideration in all pregnancy diets.
Stay Hydrated
The importance of staying hydrated during pregnancy is often overlooked. During pregnancy your blood volume will increase by forty percent and water is necessary for this process. Fluids are also needed to carry nutrients to cells and take waste products away. Aim for 8 glasses of water a day minimum. While 100% juice may be a healthy alternative to soda and colas, when you are pregnant it should not be an alternative to water. Also, be aware that teas, coffee and soda, which are natural diuretics, will pull the water out of your body. Water is vital to all pregnancy diets.
Skip Meals
You want to strive to eat smaller meals more often throughout the day. This might not always be convenient or possible, but certainly don't skip breakfast. With all pregnancy diets, this first meal will have a big effect on the rest of the day. You don't want to go hungry until two in the afternoon whereupon you devour anything and everything in your path. Try to start your day with a small protein item in combination with a little oatmeal. The oatmeal will break down slowly and prevent your appetite from getting too out of hand by balancing your blood sugar. Oatmeal is a solid choice in pregnancy diets.
Over Eat
Before you start eating for two, remember that one of the two of you is about the size of a grain of rice at first. You only need about 300 extra calories a day when you're pregnant. Keep an eye on your calories and remember to concentrate on highly nutritious, low caloric foods. Remember, after you deliver, you are still going to want to look good. If it start's to get crazy for you, then set aside a cheat day, (only one per week), where you can indulge yourself. Of course, nothing harmful to your child. Often overlooked, a cheat day can be effectively employed in most all pregnancy diets to help you eat clean during the other six days of the week.
Eat Processed Foods
The ingredients you can't identify on the package are often chemicals. These are bad new and should be exclude from all pregnancy diets. Stay away from artificial sweeteners, processed meats, and msg in all its different names. Fast food restaurants are loading their foods with a number of chemicals to be avoided at all times, let alone during pregnancy diets. Avoiding processed foods and the chemicals that come with them could be the single biggest favor you do for your child.
Some Things to Remember
Eggs are a great source of protein and other essential minerals and vitamins that can be included in pregnancy diets, but you want to be sure they are fully cooked. Avoid lightly cooked or raw eggs, and foods with raw egg ingredients.
Dairy, can be a good source of protein and much needed calcium in pregnancy diets, just be sure they are from sources that have been pasteurized.
*Fish, which boasts omega-3 fatty acids that can help a child's brain development, are a great meal choice for pregnancy diets. But some varieties should be shunned due to high levels of mercury, a pollutant that can affect a child's nervous system. Avoid the larger species of fish that live longer and accumulate more mercury in their flesh, like swordfish, shark and marlin. However, the benefits of fish can safely be reaped in pregnancy diets by eating smaller amounts, 12-16 ounces per week, of certain types that are known to contain the least amounts of mercury. Some of these include trout (freshwater), tilapia, white fish, catfish, pollock, sardines, anchovies and herring.
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