Thursday, August 20, 2015

Type 2 Diabetes - Blood Sugar, Inflammation and Blood Vessel Disease

Type 2 Diabetes - Blood Sugar, Inflammation and Blood Vessel Disease

Preventing heart and blood vessel disease is a major concern in anyone diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a disease of inflammation and is associated with inflamed and clogged blood vessels, a condition called atherosclerosis. According to the National Institute of Health, interleukin-6 (IL-6), is involved in a number of immune functions, including inflammation. Inflammation can be useful in response to infections, but chronic inflammation can be a detriment.

According to recent studies, IL-6 is associated with atherosclerosis and with poorly controlled diabetes. A study published in the Polish Journal of Cardiology in 2011, looked at the relationship between narrowed arteries and inflammatory molecules, including IL-6. Two hundred and seventy-nine participants with narrowed arteries were included in the study. In two years, high levels of IL-6 were associated with the worsening of atherosclerosis.

Researchers in the Hospital of the Virgin of Victoria in Malaga, Spain, looked at inflammation in white blood cells of volunteers with atherosclerosis and compared the levels of inflammatory molecules with blood sugar levels. Their results were published in the medical journal Acta Diabetolgia in December 2011.

The twenty-two diabetics with atherosclerosis were compared with eight non-diabetic controls.

  • blood cells from the diabetics were found to have more IL-6 than those from the non-diabetic volunteers. Diabetic participants with hemoglobin A1c levels of 6.5 or less had less IL-6 than those with hemoglobin A1c levels of over 6.5.
  • when sugar was added to blood cells that had been removed from the participants, the cells were found to increase their levels of IL-6. When insulin was added, the level of IL-6 decreased.

From this the researchers concluded controlling blood sugar levels could prevent too much IL-6 from being produced.

Hemoglobin A1c is a measure of blood sugar control for approximately the previous three months. A normal level is from 4 to 6 percent. The usual goal for diabetics is a level below 7. It is a good idea to have the test performed every 3 months when it is abnormal, and many diabetics will have it performed twice a year when the results are normal. Patients who are taking supplements of vitamins C or E should mention this to their doctor, since the supplements can affect test results.

Blood sugar control is a matter of taking in the same amount of sugar and carbohydrates:

  • as are being burned off through activity,
  • of keeping muscles sensitive to insulin, and
  • keeping up a medication regimen if needed.

Eating foods high in fiber can help to keep sugar from being absorbed too rapidly, so blood levels do not go abnormally high suddenly. Physical activity will keep the muscles sensitive to insulin, so that they will be able to take in sugar and use it for energy.

It is in your interest to discuss with your doctor or dietitian a plan for:

  • eating the right food types in the right amounts,
  • taking part in the right kind and amount of physical activity, and
  • taking the right dose of medication at the right times.

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