A parasite is an organism that thrives on or in other organisms. It obtains nutrients to live and causes harm to our organs A parasite gets its name from the Greek word para which means beside, and sitos, which means food.
Parasites in colon require some host to complete their cycle of life. Animals frequently serve as the host. The parasite will ranges in size from one-thousandth of one micron to fish tapeworms many feet long.
In a recent medical study, it was estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite living in their bodies.
These are some of the most common parasites in colon:
Tape worms: from fish, beef and pork.
You will normally get these from eating raw or undercooked,. Adult worms have been known to reach a length of more than 15 feet.
Red worms: These little beauties resemble the good old earthworm. When removed from the colon they are wrapped in balls. Sizes range up to six inches long.
Pork tapeworms have entered the brain and cause seizures according to medical records.
Fish tapeworms will are capable of releasing more than one million eggs each day which can grow up to 30 feet. This fish worm is about half an inch long, and normally white/grey in color.
White worms: They come in all sizes. Starting from tiny pinworms to some that would resemble like spaghetti.
Hook worms: Rounded parasites approximately six inches long, and off white. Here is a cold hard fact for you. "Infestation is as high as 50% worldwide." These worms attach to the intestinal wall and suck blood.
Inch worms: These are thick (crayon size), black and ridged,
Black worms: These are 10 - 12 inches long and when removed from the colon are wrapped in 'yellow acid water'. They nest deeply into the colon wall.
Pin worms: Very small parasites that can wiggle out of the anus cavity. They look like white rice grains.
Now that we know what kind of parasites in colon let's move on to what we can do about it.
First- You cleanse your colon with herbs to clean out all the toxic parasites.
Second-. While you clean the colon , you must replace the good bacteria that protects the flora balance, This is important to you as it is part of your body's immune system
Third- Then finally, using detoxifying herbs, acids and, vitamins you detox your liver, blood, tissues,
You can accomplish the above steps in many ways and with many products.
There are some amazing colon cleansing products in the market place. It is going into your body so research it well!
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