Sunday, June 7, 2015

Leaky Gut Cure - 5 Food Items To Include In Your Diet Program

Leaky Gut Cure - 5 Food Items To Include In Your Diet Program

Are you aware that the meals we consume nowadays irritate and damage our intestinal lining? Indeed, those fast foods and refined goods have been completely stripped of healthy vitamins. Eating too much of these food items can additionally harm your bowel lining and trigger leaky gut syndrome. So, clear away those damaging fast foods and begin implementing a brand new, nutritious and all natural diet plan to help you heal your leaky gut today. Here are 5 foods and their health benefits that help reinvigorate your system

Raw Ginger Root

Natural ginger is known as a pure food which has good health and curing rewards. It battles inflammation inside the digestive tract with out unwanted effects. This is really helpful when curing leaky gut since it helps decrease inflammation created by food intolerances and harmful bacteria.

Natural ginger is also known to have many types of anti -oxidants, making it ideal for treatment of a number of conditions.

Other amazing benefits of fresh ginger:

  • It is extremely effective in treating the common cold and flus.
  • Perfect for treating morning sickness and nausea
  • Helps with migraine headaches
  • It will help to lower your cholesterol and lowers the chance of heart problems.
  • Relieves tenderness and muscle and join discomfort

Cod Liver Fish Oil

Named the worlds most natural anti-flammatory food, Cod liver oil holds a lot more vitamin A and D than all other foods. These natural vitamins help cure your leaky gut by conditioning the health of the intestinal lining and your immune system.

even in capsule form, it's still a wealthy source in omega 3 essential fatty acids for people low in natural vitamins. It's also for sale in gel pills that can be bought in whole foods stores, drug stores and some food markets. Cod liver oil is just about the fundamental addition to your leaky gut diet plan.

Additional Health benefits of cod liver fish oil:

  • Fights away sickness
  • It keeps your mind, body, and heart in working order
  • Advantageous towards depression
  • It's especially successful in healing discomfort and joint stiffness in individuals with arthritis
  • Helps fix injured skin, hair and nails.

Coconut oil

This healthy natural oil is famous for its anti- yeast, anti -parasitic, and anti- bacterial attributes. Known as the healthiest natural oil on earth, coconut oil improves your digestive system while preventing digested and abdomen related conditions.

Not only is this organic healer outstanding for preventing illnesses. you can also utilize it to care for your skin and hair.

Here are some additional health benefits of coconut oil:

  • The short and medium- chain fatty acids within coconut oil helps with getting rid of excessive fat during weigh loss. If you go to a lot of tropical islands you will notice that the people there have very healthy skin and are rarely obese. This is because they have a great deal of coconut within their food regimen.
  • Because of its antioxidants, it is helpful when curing lots of illnesses such as high blood pressure and cancer
  • Its anti- viral, anti- bacterial, and anti- fungal attributes as a result of lipids, lauric acids, caprylic acids and capric acids found in coconut oil help enhance your immune system.
  • Helps prevent liver, kidney, and gall bladder illnesses
  • It is especially effective on bruises as it accelerates the recovery process by restoring damaged tissues.


For centuries fresh garlic continues to be named the wonder "drug". It boasts great health and healing abilities and is also high in antioxidants. It has been proven to stimulate the immune system, decrease the risk of heart disease and reduce the development of tumors.

Garlic levels out your gut flora, which is essential in healing, making it quite beneficial to your leaky gut diet plan. In addition, it lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Other great things about garlic:

  • Helps regulate blood sugar
  • Potent immune system enhancer.
  • It gets rid of worms and intestinal parasites.
  • Useful in protecting against diseases like cancer of the esophagus, digestive system, stomach and colon.
  • Reduces bacterial infections.


Ever ask yourself why indigenous people are so healthy? It's because they make use of their natural ingredients, particularly those of their animals. Virtually all traditional societies boiled the bones of their animals to make a healthy broth. This nutritive broth is a cure all in conventional families.

The value of bone broth is its unique source of minerals such as magnesium and calcium. Furthermore, the gelatin it contains has elevated levels of amino acids that is very important for curing your leaky gut. It does this by building up the lining of the bowel walls.

It's a wonder why most people obtain broth from stores. It offers nowhere near the amount of nutrients and flavor that self-made bone broth does. And natural broth will cost you next to nothing to create. If you wish to know how to make bone broth you can find recipes that are offered on the web.

Other benefits of broth:

  • It has glucosamine and chondroiton which help soothe arthritis and joint pain.
  • It helps in food digestion due to the gelatin's power to attract and maintain fluids.
  • It strengthens the potency of protein use in the human body.
  • It improves the productivity of your immune system.
  • It helps with restorative healing, especially broken bones and bruises.

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