Thursday, June 25, 2015

What Leopard Geckos Like to Eat For Their Meals

What Leopard Geckos Like to Eat For Their Meals

What to feed a leopard gecko is one among the crucial considerations as a pet owner. You have to be heedful of its specific nutritional requirements. Its diet merely consists of insects that can either be obtained from the wild or from pet store. If you decide to own a reptile pet, you have to ensure that you have a good supply of insects which you will be feeding your pet every day. It is the only way of keeping your pet happy and healthy. This way, you can surely have your pet achieve its maximum life longevity.

If obtaining insects from the wild is difficult for you, you can visit any of the reputable pet shop that specializes in reptiles like leopard gecko. Online suppliers are also available if in case you cannot find one in your area. Here are some of the insects that this type of lizard love to eat for their daily meals.

A. Meal worms

Meal worms are the best food you can offer to your pet. There are claims by some experienced pet owners that having meal worms are part of their daily diet can lengthen the life of their pet. Feed your lizard pet with meal worms that have just newly molted because aside from the fact that they are tasty in leopard gecko's tongue, they are also nutritious.

B. Crickets

Crickets vary in species. This insect can also be a good meal for leopard geckos. However, do not allow this insect to have time nibbling your pet or else, it will make your pet stressful. This type of insects can defend themselves best by flying here and there. When serving crickets, they should be eaten by your pet right away. Black crickets are the excellent choice since they move slower. Thus, geckos will not have to spend much of their energy when eating them.

C. Silkworms

This type of worm is a little bit expensive when bought from any pet shop because of its rarity. Unless you have them cultured, then you can save a lot of your budget. The advantage of having your reptile pet offered with silkworms is that they contain high vitamins, minerals, and above all protein. When buying this for food, you should avoid purchasing too many of these because their lifespan is only up to two weeks. Of course, it is unhealthy to have them serve dead to your pet.

D. Locusts

These are the best source of protein for your pet. However, they are larger compared to other insects for feeding. Because of their size, you have to offer these insects only to adult leopard gecko. Young leopard geckos cannot afford to swallow them. It is advisable to have your reptile pet seldom intake of these insects for high quality protein diet. Like silkworms, these insects can be pricey too.

E. Wax worms

This is also very tasty in leopard gecko's palate. Since they contain high percentage of fats, your pet must not be fed with wax worms regularly. Like among humans, it is also very unhealthy to have a high-fat diet for this type of reptile pet.

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