Thursday, September 17, 2015

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review - Is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst a Fraud?

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review - Is Dr Suzanne Gudakunst a Fraud?

The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret by Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a new detox based weight loss program, but does it work, or is the good doctor a fraud?

1. What Is The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret?

It's a detox based weight loss program which is based on the connection between excess weight and colon and intestinal pollution. This pollution can take one of two general forms:

  • Intestinal plaque which is generally undigested waste which is gradually clogging your internal organs
  • Colon and bowel worms and parasites which live inside your body and feed off it

This program's main goal is to get rid of these pollutants as the first step of allowing the body to lose weight and improve it's functionality.

2. Who is Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst?

Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst is a doctor and researcher of colon diseases and obesity. She has appeared numerous times on television. This program is the result of her extensive research over a period of a few years.

3. Is this perfect weight loss program? This weight loss plan isn't perfect. The major downside is that this plan doesn't include any exercise which means that it doesn't develop any muscles. However, it can lead to a quick and massive weight loss.

4. What are the reviews of Top Secret Fat Loss Secret? Some people swear by this program and report losing upwards of 100 pounds. However, bear in mind that any diet is a personal thing and that no diet works for 100% of the people, so there is always the chance of it failing for you.

5. Who should use this diet? Basically, if you've tried several diets and failed to lose a significant amount of weight, intestinal plaque or parasites may be the reason why your body is finding it hard to get lean. I'd say that if you've despaired of other diet, give this one a try. Other people who find this diet useful are people who suffer from stomach conditions, allergies, and various other ailments.

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