Colon cleansers that work? Are they REALLY needed!?
Well, do you suffer from any of the following?
o Constipation, diarrhea, skin problems, headaches?
o Fatigue, halitosis, stomach bloating?
o Lower back pain, poor digestion, sluggishness?
o Flatulence, weight gain or depression?
If so, then you may well be one of the many millions of people suffering from early colon problems and you may even well be in urgent need the best colon cleanser available.
The colon is simply THE most massively neglected part of the body. No one wants to even think about it but, we ALL need colon cleansers that work....period! Think about a swimming pool with a clogged filter? Our colons do for us, just what those filters do for a swimming pool! Neglect either and you have a disaster just waiting to happen!
The problem is that it's just way too easy to neglect our colons. We eat, then we eliminate, all without giving any thought to the process at all. The ticking time bomb though begins with what gets left inside us! It's toxic waste that the body was TRYING to get rid of!
Even in small quantities, those poisons can rapidly accumulate in the colon, quickly aging a person AND causing weight gain too. Double trouble! Do you think than that regular use of colon cleansers that work might just help? Of course it would.
The unavoidable medical reality is that if you can't eliminate thoroughly, then your weight loss dreams may well always remain just that... dreams! Herbal colon cleansers are a simple, proven and stress free way of eradicating the problem.
The formula is really simple, use colon cleansers, lose weight!
What is absolutely certain is that if your colon passageway is coated with all that choking material, then nutrient extraction will be severely restricted and constant hunger WILL be the ONLY logical result. A disaster for any weight loss ambitions we have! Ready for colon cleansers that work yet?
If not, then consider the following statistics:
o This year, over two million more people will be diagnosed with colon disease
o The average person carries 7 to 25 pounds of dried fecal matter lodged in the intestinal tract
o Food transit time from the "average" diet ranges between 75 and 100 hours! Ideally it should be no more than 18 hours!
Poisons and parasites, germs and worms, all get trapped in the naturally convoluted walls of the colon, along with decaying and putrefied fecal material. That is where effective colon cleansers that work take over!
Every cell in the body is indirectly fed and affected by the colon. When the colon becomes toxic, all other organs are unavoidably affected too. Effective nutrient absorption is massively restricted without a colon cleanser acting as a digestive system cleanser.
By way of a domestic illustration, if you aren't at least able to empty the trash, then you have got problems! If your colon can't empty the trash then you have bigger problems! All that toxic, putrefying material is literally auto-poisoning us and disease will follow as surely as night follows day.
Bear in mind this final point.
A normal colon is about 5 feet long and has a diameter of 2.5 inches. Autopsies have revealed that a damaged colon can reach a diameter of 9 inches and yet only have a useable passageway the size of a pencil.
Colon cleansers that work...? You DID say that you wanted to know.... didn't you?
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