A human parasite is a living organism that lives inside the human body. Human parasites gain nutrients for themselves while causing harm to the organs inside us.
There are over 100 different types of human parasitic worms that live in human bodies. Some can been seen to the naked eye, while many are microscopic. Human parasites are very common and can be found everywhere such as the food we eat, the water we drink, and even in the air we breathe.
How do parasites harm humans? Human parasites can cause constipation, stomach bloating, diarrhea, and bad breath, just to name a few. They infect our food and air and lead to many diseases and digestive disorders. Other symptoms of human parasites include asthma, fatigue, anemia, nervousness, and skin rash. It's difficult for humans to face the truth that parasitic worms live inside us and cause this much harm to our precious bodies.
The concept of human parasites life is that they require a host to live off of, which is the human body. Human Parasites can invade the body in many different ways - through food & water intake, through the skin or nose, sexually, and even through transmitting agents like mosquitoes. Once the parasite is inside, they eat the same foods you eat or they eat you. Human parasites can vary in size from one-thousandth of an inch to tapeworms over one hundred feet long!
As a result of consuming too much junk foods, fatty foods, chemicals, and sweets, the human colon can stop working effectively. When this happens, the perfect environment is presented for human parasites. They love the build up of fecal matter along colon walls. That is where they excrete toxins and poisons in the body while at the same time stealing valuable nutrients from it. When this happens, it is usually the start of disease.
Do you ever wonder why you have sweet or salty cravings? The parasites inside you may like those foods and may be the ones causing those cravings.
Possibly the worst thing about human parasites is that they lay eggs and many of them at a time. They can lay anywhere between 3000 to 200,000 eggs per day! It is amazing at how fast human parasites can reproduce themselves exponentially. If you start out with just one human parasite, imagine how many more will be inside the human body destroying it in just one week?
How do we get rid of human parasites? This question is more easily asked than answered. It is an ambiguous process to remove parasites from our bodies because there are so many different types of them. Doctors may not be able to identify which ones are inside the body because they are not trained to do so. Many doctors are quick to prescribe medicine to cure a disease without closely examining the cause of it.
There are certain herbal mixtures and detoxification processes that kill and remove these uninvited visitors from our bodies. However, self education is the most important aspect of understanding and removing human parasites and curing parasitic infections from your body.
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