One of the worst things about dieting is the food that you have to eat. You are no longer able to eat fatty foods or food that is high in sugar. You have to stick with the diet that usually leaves you hungry and wanting more. The key to making this work is to not change your diet drastically and to work toward a healthier you.
If your goal is to lose 13 pounds in the next three weeks, you can break this down into losing about four pounds every week. This is a realistic goal but it can only be achieved if you change a few things. One of the things you need to change is your habit of not moving around.
Statistics have shown that most overweight people are not very mobile. Even if they just did a little bit of walking on a regular basis, and then gradually moved toward a slow jog and then a run, they could lose weight every day without thinking about it and without altering their diet.
Another reason that people do not like diet is because it takes up so much of their time. Most of this time spent working out. They feel that they could be doing something else with their time such as watching television or perhaps taking another nap.
The key to any diet working, or anything working for that matter, is the motivation to succeed. If you have no desire to move forward with your life, and to change the person that you are, you will never ever lose the weight. And losing the weight begins with the first step. In this first step could be an aerobic exercise or simply walking around the block.
Make sure to go into your refrigerator and throw out anything that is junk food. This could be ice cream, cupcakes, anything that has raw refined sugar. Even throw out the white bread that you have not eaten. Make sure that everything that you have is as healthy as possible.
By maintaining a healthy diet and doing regular exercise, the diet that you are on right now will not suck. You will actually enjoy doing it and in the end you will become the person that you wanted to be.
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