Monday, September 21, 2015

Recommended Diets For Children With ADHD

Recommended Diets For Children With ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a growing problem among children in America. Often, the condition is dealt with by giving children medications which have been known to have wonderful effects. However, everyone knows that all the medications available can have side effects which can only add to the discomfort felt by ADHD sufferers. For this reason, parents have been finding alternative means to address ADHD in children. Fortunately, many alternative remedies have been found to be as effective as drugs in treating this condition in children. Some of these alternative treatments are therapy, homeopathic remedies, herbal remedies, and following certain diets for children with ADHD.

Apart from being effective, these natural alternative treatments are also proven to be safe for children. They have been clinically tested and so far results have shown that these alternative treatments do not lead to any side effects. In addition, they are also less expensive than medications; thus, more parents are choosing these kinds of treatments instead of ADHD drugs.

One of the most widely used alternative treatments for ADHD in children is diet therapy. The aim of diet therapy for ADHD children is to reduce the symptoms of ADHD in children by changing their diets or controlling their daily food intake. The diet therapy works by restricting some foods that may trigger the occurrence of the symptoms of ADHD in children. It also incorporates some foods which should be included in the ADHD child's diet.

Here are some items for ADHD recommended diets for children:

o Fresh fruits and vegetables. These are good even for children without ADHD. Especially for ADHD children, it is recommended that they be given plenty of vegetable and fruits instead of foods that contain much sugar and carbohydrates. Sugar has been linked to the onset of hyperactivity and aggressiveness in children with ADHD. Because of this, foods with too much sugar are not recommended for children. Fruits and vegetables are better options.

o Give your child flax seed and evening primrose oil. These contain high levels of omega oils. Omega oils are good for children with ADHD.

o Always encourage your child to drink plenty of water.

o Do not include caffeinated beverages in your child's diet. Give him other alternatives such fresh fruit juices.

o Give your child organic foods. Organic foods do not contain chemicals that may cause any unwanted health problem or unpleasant behavior.

o Give your child DHA supplements and multi-vitamins.

o Avoid giving your child fish with high levels of mercury. Fish can be included in the diets for children with ADHD as it is a good source of Omega 3. However, before giving the child fish make sure that it does not contain a high level of mercury. Mercury is harmful.

ADHD recommended diets have been proven by some parents to produce wonderful improvements on children. The positive results cannot be seen overnight, though. But over time, results can be seen and enjoyed by both the parents and the child.

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