The Largemouth Bass...probably one of the most coveted trophy fish to lurk our fresh water lakes, ponds, and rivers. Pursuit of this elusive predator has been going on for hundreds of years. There are accounts of "bass fishing" that date back before the formation of this nation. I imagine the Native Americans had a blast hooking on to a lunker with their long cane pole bending so far as to touch the surface of the water!
I refer to this species as a predator because it has all the right tools: massive appetite for small prey, sharp vision, rapid response reflexes, and a tracking system,if you will, in their lateral line. They feed on just about any small creature that finds it's way in the waters that they inhabit. Small fish of several varieties, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and crustaceans make up this hungry fish's diet. Even a small duck or mouse making a swim for it better beware of the dangers stalking them from below!
Along with all of the live bait that is available for catching largemouth bass, there have been tremendous advances in the world of artificial lures. There are literally thousands of varieties of rubber worms, spinner baits, and crankbaits, just to name a few. All of which are effective in their own application. No matter what style of artificial lure you may come across, the effectiveness of that bait depends on how well it resembles natural prey and the presentation of that bait. Water color, depth, and temperature also play a significant role in lure choice.
There are two qualities of artificial baits which must be taken into consideration in deciding which to tie on: attraction and triggering. Attractive baits are usually bright in color, noisy, sometimes included with a spinner or curly tail. It's the attraction qualities that draw a fish out of cover. Sometimes the attractiveness of the bait alone will cause the fish to strike, but other times the bass need a little convincing. Triggering baits are usually crafted to offer natural motion of a particular prey of the bass. A jerkbait like a Rapala will look like a wounded fish if presented properly and is usually hard for the bass to resist. Ultimately, the best possible bait will have both characteristics, drawing the fish out of cover and then triggering it to strike once they get there.
I have broken up artificial bass baits into 3 categories: topwater, sub-surface, and sub-terrain lures.
Topwater baits are usually fabricated to resemble wounded prey on the surface. Poppers, prop lures, floating frogs or worms, and buzzbaits are a few popular choices. As with all lures presentation is key. I've found this to be especially true with topwater baits as the chances of spooking fish in shallow water is a high risk. I recommend using light, finesse casts using a braided low visibility line. After casting a floating topwater bait, I like to let the bait sit still for a few seconds. A good rule of thumb is to wait until the ripples made from the splash reach out to 10-12 feet in diameter. This allows the visibility in the water to clear and gives a fish that might have been spooked by the cast time to notice your lure. Buzzbaits customarily sink upon arrival so engage your reel when the bait touches down and reel just fast enough that the blade churns the water at the surface. Raising and lowering your rod tip will determine how fast the retrieval will be. As with any topwater bait, always keep your eyes about 6 feet behind the lure. Most strikes are quick, violent, and from behind. So, keeping your eyes behind the bait will result in more hook-ups and less jumping and cursing!
Subsurface bait category contains what I believe to be the most popular of the artificial bass baits: The Rubber Worm. The most versatile of all baits, it can be presented in numerous ways. Floating worms work well at the surface and in shallows. Plain rubber worms rigged with no weight can work just under the surface, on submerged structure or vegetation, or suspended between surface and lake bottom. Weighted, the worm can be presented as a subterraneous lure as well, working the bottom and along rocks or vegetation off of points and channels. There are also those with a straight tail, curly tail, or paddle tail. The beauty of this bait is, there is no wrong way to fish it. If it's in the water, you can catch fish on it! Actually, the worm is diverse enough to have it's own category. Other sub-surface baits include crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and any other swimming bait. Crankbaits come in different varieties: there are deep, medium, and shallow divers that range in depth potential. Spinnerbaits are fast sinkers and should be engaged as soon as they hit the water. Retrieval speed is at your discretion but make sure your line stays good and tight to refrain from missed strikes. I recommend using the lightest line possible, probably 10-12 lb test braided fluorocarbon when fishing beneath the surface. The light line ensures that you can feel strikes but the high-strength braided line protects from snags on underwater debris. The smaller the diameter of the line, the less visible and it cuts through the water more easily. These types of baits should be used when fish are suspended off the bottom, but not high enough to feed at the surface.
Subterraneous lures are fished primarily on the bottom or on structure that is submerged. They are usually weighted and sink very fast. Such baits as jigs, weighted worms or soft plastics, and some deep diving crankbaits are excellent examples. These baits are usually fished in close proximity to your position, making stealth a key. Use a much slower approach and make every inch of your flip or cast count. Use heavier weighted line, 12-14 lb test, as contact with logs, brush, and submerged structure is inevitable. Man-made structures like docks and pilings are excellent spots to drop these lure to the bottom. Staying weedless is also highly beneficial. Use weedless hooks on worms and make sure your jigs have guards that protect open hooks from debris.
Making the choice on what to fill your tackle-box with can be confusing. With all that there is to offer, you could go crazy standing in sporting goods right in the back of Wal-Mart! Remember to look for what attracts fish and what triggers strikes. Know where you will be fishing and buy lures that resemble bait-fish or forage in that area. Be resourceful, use the internet to find breeding, feeding, and nocturnal habits of largemouth. Find out how the phase of the moon affects their behavior. Last but not least, take a kid fishing! Share with our young people how important it is to protect Earth's natural resources and how to enjoy them at the same time.
Good luck and I'll see you on the lake!
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