Why pick Drontal for dogs?
Drontal for dogs has been recommended by experts and veterinarians for more than 20 years to be the favorite type of de-wormer.
Your dog should get a checkup every three months or so for worms and other things. Other things to watch out for include the consumption of pesky rodents, typical vulnerabilities in small dogs, and recurring flea infestation in the dog's fur.
What are the side effects for dogs?
Just as with any administration of drugs, it's important to take into consideration the side effects or special exceptions. In dog worming there is an ingredient called nitroscanate which might induce vomiting in your dog. While the likelihood of this occurring is rather slim, the de-wormer may have other side effects including diarrhea.
It's not easy to tell whether or not your dog is infected by worms. Tape worms, for example, will grow inside, causing mild to severe irritation to your dog's butts. If you happen to see your dog scooting around the floor, then this might be an indication of the presence of tape worms.
There are other symptoms that could suggest the presence of worms in your dog, including a lack of appetite, listlessness, and an apparent "pot belly" in young puppies.
This is why you should pick a known preparation for dogs, one that can be given with food or without food. In fact, while other medications containing nitroscanate require that your dog to be half-starving, such is not the case with preparations. If your dog is not a picky eater, then your dog will not mind the medication since it can be eaten whole or mixed with the regular dog food.
How to Hide Worming medicine
Fussy eaters might mind the taste or texture of some medications. In that case, just hide the pill in cheese or other types of yummy food. You can also cover the pills in butter, since this will hide the taste and provide lubrication for swallowing.
Some puppies might be born with worm larvae, having been exposed to them in the mothers' wombs. If that's the case, then when your puppy reaches two weeks old, you should probably start the de-worming process, which can last for about ten weeks.
Now, is it possible to get worms from your dog?" The answer is yes, it is. For example, dog roundworms (Toxocara Canis) are known to be passed onto people if they accidentally eat a worm egg or somehow ingest and incorporate into their system. Worms can make up to 80,000 eggs a day, and they're found in the soil and dirt as well.
This places little kids at risk, since they often play around on the ground. If that is the case, then the worms might be able to get into the eyes and cause potential irreversible injury to the eyesight.
This preparation for dogs, though, is very effective at getting rid of worm infestations, including hookworms, roundworms, whip worms, and tapeworms. This type of medication for dog worms for dogs is highly recommended for your pet.
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