Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How to Lose Weight the Unconventional Way

How to Lose Weight the Unconventional Way

If you have been running from pillar to post in the hope that all the running will make you lose weight, well then, I can tell you that you have been utterly wrong. If all the conventional methods that you have been trying to adopt are not showing any results, then you have reached the right place! Here is an amalgam of traditional and some revolutionary ideas on how to lose weight quickly.

If you are in the habit of looking at your weighing machine often, then forget it. It is not a magic box. In stead spend your time on something which really works. The tested method of drinking a lot of water works wonders! Water can not only quench your thirst but can also make you feel less hungry. This means that the amount of food in-take will reduce. But be sure that you drink just plain water and not aerated water.

Try and tell everyone you know that you are on a serious quest to lose stomach fat and all assorted fats. The accountability factor that you will owe to your friends, acquaintances and relatives will make you cringe at the thought of splurging and you will have to keep to your diet. Your loved ones would keep reminding you every time you sit to eat, unless you have gone to the Antarctica.

Small changes in your diet go a long way in losing weight. Chew your food properly. Coffee without sugar or cream may sound revolting at first but a dietitian finds these two as a change that would matter solidly. Allow yourself a little beer now and then but let it be a less calorie one. Never starve yourself. You do not have to transform yourself into a person who gobbles up everything in sight but you can still allow yourself a lot of things that your dietitian says you cannot and still lose weight. Do all the things which you enjoy the most. Having plenty of sex or going for romantic getaways will make you happy and this is considered to be a natural way to lose weight. Keep laughing as this will help you in dropping a few pounds. After all it has been well said that "Laughter is the best medicine."

Hence, follow these simple tips and see the change in your life. As it has taken time to gain weight, so it will take time to reduce too! So, be patient!

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