Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Fibroids - Dissolving Uterine Wall Tumors

Fibroids - Dissolving Uterine Wall Tumors

Fibroids are tumors and generally attack the inside portion of the uterine wall which is generally muscular in nature. Fibroids, however, also occur on the outside portion of the uterus. Fibroid ulcers can develop in all female body irrespective of age. Fibroids can vary in size. Though fibroids are not painful at the initial stages, yet with time as they gain in size these fibroid tumors can be really painful.

The main culprit giving birth to fibroids is our food habit. Cut down on all types of dairy items like milk, cheese, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, and also meat especially red meat. Researches have also found out that refined grains also lead to the fibroid sacks.

Actually, the human body forms the fibroids as sacks to contain the liquid toxic wastes produced by the female body. Most of the women know that their bodies do contain fibroids only when their doctor tells them so. More often than not, patients having large fibroid tumors are advised to go for abortions instead for the sake of their general health. Love making can also become problematic due to these fibroid tumors particularly because of the post-sex bleeding and excruciating pain during the intercourse.

Moreover, fibroid tumors can also lead to menstruation periods rather frequently and which may be quite heavy. As a natural consequence, the patients can feel weak and also experience frequent bouts of fatigue and lethargy.

These fibroid sacks are carry bags additional to the natural organs -- like the skin, lungs, liver, colon and the kidneys -- whose functions are to eliminate toxic materials from the body. Simply because these five organs fail to measure up to the pace at which the liquid toxic substances are produced, the body forms the fibroid sacks to ensure that the toxic liquid cannot pass on to the body. Such a fibroid tumor contains waste materials like worms, toxins, parasites and mucus, among others.

But, don't worry! Fibroid tumors can be cured. Just change your diet and start using herbal alternative to dissolve the sacks. Once these fibroid sacks are melted, the aforementioned waste materials get excreted through the natural processes of menstruation (clotting) defecation and urination. These are time consuming but sure methods, though.

Studies have shown that as many as 45 per cent of the American fairer sex have the tendency to develop such fibroid tumors and the danger zone commences right from their teenage stages.

The market is flooded with herbal medications that not only dissolve the fibroid tumors but also have no side effects. These oral herbal medications cleanse the blood channel of the patient. Such fibroid treating medications are manufactured from the extractions of Rhatany, Comfrey, Cayenne, Squawvine, Dong Quai, Goldenseal, Manjistha, Yucca, Carbon, Burdock, Red Clover, Musta, Ashoka, as well as, the bark of Witch Hazel and White Oak.

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