If you suffer from unexplainable medical problems like chronic fatigue, headaches, muscle weakness, Fibromyalgia, candidiasis, and anxiety, and your doctor told you every test result is fine, think of chronic parasite infections.
Parasite related problems are one of the most neglected areas of the medical fields. Few people recognize that parasites not only cause diarrhea, bloody stool or abdominal cramps but also have been associated with a whole list of symptoms such as anorexia, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, constipation, food allergies, gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, low back pain, Crohn's disease, arthritis, headaches, rash, rectal itching, weight loss and weight gain, and many more.
No one wants to be sick, but where does disease really begin? Illness develops because one's immune system is weakened. This is indisputable yet often not acknowledged. Complementary and Alternative Medicine is based upon this premise. Parasites, which often go undiagnosed, can contribute to weakening the immune system, which then allows favorable conditions for a vast range of illnesses. More often, many factors bombard the immune system over time.
Five principle causes of immune system deterioration are: Heavy Metal Toxicity, Food Allergies, Dental Problems, Poor Diet and Nutrition, and Parasites. What are parasites? In the United States, the most common human parasites are of the microscopic protozoal variety (single cell Amoeba-like) that can be transmitted by air, food, water, insects, animals, and other humans.
The most common protozoal parasites are Giargdia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Dientamoeba fragilis and Crytosporidium.The other parasites, commonly know as worms include pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, trichinia spiralis, hookworms and filarial.
Doctor Leo Galland, M.D. from New York City, a specialist in parasitology, estimated that conservatively, a minimum of 10 percent of the American population might be infected by parasites. Worldwide, 25 percent is infected by protozoal parasites.
Many parasites go undetected for many years because they don't produce classic diarrhea symptoms or abdominal cramps. Doctor Galland's findings indicated that any person with chronic gastrointestinal complaints such as bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, chronic constipation, multiple allergies and unexplainable fatigue should be screened for intestinal parasites.
Unfortunately, one of the main problems related to parasite infections is that most parasitology labs fail to find the majority of intestinal parasites in stool specimens submitted to them. Therefore, parasites are often undiagnosed and untreated. As a result, one is often treated for the wrong diagnosis.
The treatment plan for parasites includes dietary precautions, herbal parasitic remedies and prescribed medications as indicated. The patient should eliminate all uncooked, raw foods from the diet and cook all meats and fish well done. Vegetables should be well cleaned and all sugars should be eliminated including fruit juices and honey.
Herbal parasite remedies include citrus seed extract, Artemisia Annua, wormwood, pumpkin seed, ginger root, black walnut hull extract, goldenseal root and genitian root, to name a few.
Diagnosing hidden parasites is not a simple task. If you are not feeling well and in a chronic state of illness without definite diagnosis after multiple blood tests and other diagnostic tests, you must think about parasitic infection. You may be a victim of hidden parasites.